
Ganz Spontan


The entire Jemmaverse came together to celebrate The Jemma Coming Out Day at the Jemma Coming Out Monument. Even Jemmaholics from the Greater Milky Way took part.

97 Jemma Words & counting...

beaben (-ning) v. being annoyingly (and constantly) hesitant. Example: Stop beabenning, you're driving me crazy! Make up your mind already!

bodot n. smurf-shaped hat that one's wears unconditionally. Example: I forgot my bodot at home this morning, and I feel completely hair-exposed.

Beschenkward n. award of awesomeness. Example: And the Beschenkward goes to... Luzi Beschenko!

Beschenko interj. awesome, really cool. Example: That's total Beschenko!

beriam n. Really good female friend (derived from a bird and a So-You-Think-You-Can-Dance winner) who feels like a lovely sister and who will not judge you however poor the choices you could sometimes make. (male) beriam-king Example: She took the decision to pack her things for Australia though her beriam told her she might not find what she was looking for over there.

bododian n. a sensitive male friend who can be trusted to keep secrets, particularly about a Jemma relationship. Example: She hesitated to come out to classmates after her bododian said it might be weeks before people stopped asking stupid questions.

bemich n. person that one shouldn't be in a relationship with as they're clearly not meant for each other; boring couple. Opposite of tizi. Example: There was absolutely no spark between them, nobody could understand why she spent half the school year with him. He was such a bemich.

BJ/AJ adv. abbr. for Before Jemma and After Jemma, calendar used in the entire Jemmaverse to adjust time (where existing) to the profound cataclysmic changes prompted by the birth of Jemma. In non-time areas it is used to match dates nevertheless to for example taking part in the Jemma Coming Out Day telepathically from afar. Example: Thousands and thousands of years BJ, mankind discovered fire by friction of 2 stones or 2 sticks of wood together. AJ, people make fire with their eyes.